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Soda Meetha - Mitha Soda - Sodium hydrogen carbonate

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Sodium bicarbonate is a salt that breaks down to form sodium and bicarbonate in water. This breakdown makes a solution alkaline, meaning it is able to neutralize acid. Because of this, sodium bicarbonate is often used to treat conditions caused by high ac

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  • Health benefits             

    In addition to the many the household uses listed above, baking soda may offer several health benefits.

    May help treat heartburn

    Heartburn, also called acid reflux, is a painful, burning sensation in the upper region of your stomach that can spread into your throat.

    It’s caused when acid flows out of your stomach and up into your esophagus, which is the tube that connects your stomach to your mouth.

    Although acid reflux has many causes, it often occurs after you eat large meals, drink carbonated beverages, or eat greasy or spicy foods.

    Baking soda can help treat heartburn by neutralizing stomach acid. To try it, dissolve 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of baking soda in a glass of cold water and drink the mixture slowly.

    However, there are downsides to this treatment to keep in mind:

    • There’s some debate as to whether everyone with heartburn symptoms has high levels of stomach acid.
    • Baking soda is very high in sodium, with 630 mg per 1/2 teaspoon (2.3 grams), which is important to be aware of if you have to limit your sodium intake.
    • Continued use may lead to metabolic — a condition in which your blood becomes overly alkaline — and heart problems.

    May soothe canker sores

    Canker sores are small, painful ulcers that can form inside your mouth. Unlike cold sores, canker sores don’t form on your lips and aren’t contagious.

    Though more evidence is needed, some older studies suggest that baking soda mouthwash soothes pain caused by canker sores.

    You can make baking soda mouthwash using the recipe in the previous chapter. Rinse your mouth with this mixture once a day until the canker sore heals.

    May improve exercise performance

    Baking soda is a popular supplements among athletes, who also call it sodium bicarbonate.

    Some studies show that baking soda helps you perform longer at your peak, especially during anaerobic exercises or high intensity training and sprinting.

    During high intensity exercise, your muscle cells start producing lactic acid, which is responsible for the burning feeling you get while working out. Lactic acid also lowers the pH inside of your cells, potentially causing your muscles to tire.

    Baking soda may help delay fatigue due to its high pH, letting you perform at max intensity for longer.

    For example, one study found that cyclists who took baking soda exercised for an average of 4.5 minutes longer than those who didn’t take baking soda.

    According to one review, this supplement may be effective when used in doses around 0.13 grams per pound (0.3 grams per kg) of body weight.

    Another study recommends a dose of 135 mg of baking soda per pound of body weight.

    May relieve itchy skin and sunburns

    A baking soda bath is often recommended to soothe itchy skin after bug bites or bee stings.

    Additionally, baking soda may help soothe skin that’s ithching from sunburns. Some people claim that it’s more effective when combined with other ingredients like cornstarch and oatmeal.

    To make a baking soda bath, add 1–2 cups (220–440 grams) of baking soda to a lukewarm bath. Make sure the affected area is soaked thoroughly.

    For specific areas, create a paste with baking soda and a bit of water, then apply a thick layer to the affected area.

    May slow the progression of chronic kidney disease

    Your kidneys are vital because they help remove excess waste and water from your blood while balancing important minerals like potassium, sodium, and calcium.

    Although more research is needed, some studies suggest that taking sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) supplements improves kidney function and helps slow the progression of CKD.

    Still, it’s best to talk with your doctor before ingesting baking soda if you have kidney problems.

    May improve certain cancer treatments

    Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States.

    It’s often treated with chemotherapy, which is a chemical cocktail that slows or stops the growth of cancer cells, which usually grow and divide at a rapid rate.

    Some research shows that baking soda may help chemotherapy medicines work more effectively by making the environment for tumors less acidic.

    However, because the current evidence is limited to animal and test-tube studies, human research is needed. If you’re undergoing cancer treatment, consult your doctor before complementing your chemotherapy treatment with baking soda.


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