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Kakoli - Roscaea Procera

Product Code: KRKAKOLI
Availability: In Stock

It is used in preventing age related problems and best remedy in body debility, impotency, arthritis, burning sensation, inflammation, urinary problems, fever, diabetes, hypertension and other diseases pertaining to Vata and pitta doshas.

Rs. 294

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Kakoli Herb is an Ashtavarga plant. Its fleshy tuberous roots are used in treatment of impotency and leucorrhoea. Kshira Herbs root powder is mixed with sugar and taken with milk as tonic in general debility.

The Ayurveda is the science of life that developed by several Rishis such as Ashwani Kumars, Atreya, Bhardwaja, Dhanwantri, Charak, and Susruta etc. in the ancient times. During early phase of Ayurvedic development, Ashwani Kumars (Ayurvedic wonder healers) saw the old frail and emaciated body of Rishi Chayavan and decided to rejuvenate his body through medication. Rishi Chayavan was born in the lineage of Maharishi Bhrigu (who was great astrologist and made birth charts of millions of people which are valid even today). For this, these scientists of old era invented Kakoli Herb (Ashtawarga – a group of eight medicinal plants) and did the miracle of rejuvenating the body of Rishi Chayavan as youthful. Since then after the name of Rishi Chayavan, the preparation was called as Chayavan Prash and has been a favorite and most demanded medicine for Kings and rich people.

According to the various Ayurvedic Nighantu books composed or commented by different Vaidyas, astavarga drugs forms an important constituent of number of Ayurvedic preparations. These are known as Jivaka, Rishibhak, Mahameda, Meda, Kakoli, Kshirkakoli, Riddhi and Vriddhi. Kakoli and kshirkakoli comes under “Brhneeya” (the drug which promote the formation of mansadhatu that is flesh formation) in Dhanvantri Nighantu, Charak Samhita, Susruta Samhita and Astanghridaya. They are employed as a ‘Rasayana’ and also are the constituent of ‘Chyawanprash’ an outstanding rejuvenator. Kakoli is an ancient Indian medicinal plant belonging to family Zingiberaceae.

Kakoli Herb Benefits

Kakoli Herb (Ashtavarga) is significant constituent of Ayurvedic pharmacy. The compound formulation and its ingredients alone have various medicinal effects. Based on the properties described in ancient texts, Ashtavarga seems to have antioxidant and anti ageing effects. Before pharmacological investigations can be further initiated it is important to conduct botanical and phytochemical investigations.

Tubers of Kshira Herbs are found to contain alkaloid, glycoside, flavonoid, tannin, saponins and active phenolic compounds. The modern screening methods revealed its principal pharmacological activities like antidiabetic, immunomodulator, spermopiotic, fever, burning and phthisis.

In the literature survey, scientific and systematic studies on hematological parameter and lymphoid organ weight which are the important parameter for immunomodulatory activity have not been reported for Kakoli Herb


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