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Sugar Badam Kadwa - Diabetes Almond - Sky Fruit - Bitter Almond

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Sugar Badam Kadwa, while nutritionally beneficial for most people, are especially good for people with diabetes. “Research has shown that almonds may reduce the rise in glucose (blood sugar) and insulin levels.

Rs. 126

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The fruit of the Mahagony tree, sky fruit colloquially called sugar badam or ‘kadwa badam’— if eaten before lunch and dinner, helps control blood-sugar levels. Sky fruit is commonly used as herbal remedy that helps improve blood circulation, control blood sugar in diabetics, and help impotence. The saponin content of sky fruit thus makes this fruit a potent natural remedy for people with diabetes mellitus.


Helps us in preventing and curing the following:

  • Sky fruit is commonly used as herbal remedy that helps improve blood circulation, control blood sugar in diabetics, and help impotence.
  • Many people have already used it and anecdotal reports have recorded the health benefits of the fruit.
  • It is also used to treat hypertension in India.


Those who feel unwell or have symptoms of deranged liver function such as nausea, loss of appetite, lethargy, tea colour urine, or yellow colour in the whites of the eyes or the skin after consumption of sky fruit seeds should consult their doctors immediately.

Safety Information:

  • For Natural Taste & Freshness, Keep it in cool and dry place.
  • Avoid direct Sunlight & Do not Refrigerate.
  • Store the contents in an Airtight Container after opening the package.
  • All herbal medicine should be used under Medical Supervision only.

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Why Us: We are able to attain the maximum satisfaction of our prestigious clients by providing them with the high-quality range of herbs which we provide in a large amount within the minimum time period and at most reasonable rates.