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Nagarmotha - Cyperus Rotundus Rhizome - Nut Sedge Root

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Nagarmotha is useful to manage various health issues like obesity, indigestion and worm infestation.

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Nagarmotha is also known as "Nut grass." It has a distinct scent and is commonly used in culinary spices, fragrances, and incense sticks. If eaten in the right dosage, Nagarmotha helps promote digestion due to its Deepan and Pachan qualities, according to Ayurveda.

Because of its antispasmodic and carminative characteristics, nagarmotha oil is a useful home treatment for gastrointestinal ailments. Because of its antioxidant properties, nagarmotha oil also aids in the management of diabetes. It protects the body from some diseases by preventing cell damage produced by free radicals. It also possesses anti-diarrheal properties due to the presence of flavonoids, which reduces the production of watery stools. 

Nagarmotha may be beneficial in the treatment of skin infections. Because of its astringent properties, applying a paste of Nagarmotha powder with coconut oil reduces swelling and prevents bleeding. Because of its antibacterial properties, nagarmotha oil also protects against bacterial and fungal illnesses. If you have hypersensitive skin, it is best to combine Nagarmotha oil or powder with coconut oil or rose water.


Abdominal pain

Nagarmotha provides relief from abdominal pain caused by gas or flatulence. Flatulence is produced by a Vata-Pitta Dosha imbalance. Low Pitta dosha and exacerbated Vata dosha cause a decrease in digestive fire, which impairs digestion. Abdominal pain is caused by poor digestion. Because of its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics, taking Nagarmotha helps to increase digestive fire and correct digestion.

a. Take 14-1/2 teaspoon Nagarmotha Churna (Powder).

b. To relieve gastrointestinal pain, take it twice a day with lukewarm water after eating. 


Nagarmotha aids in the treatment of dyspepsia. Indigestion, according to Ayurveda, is the result of an inadequate digestive process. The fundamental cause of indigestion is exacerbated Kapha, which leads to Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). Taking Nagarmotha improves Agni (digestive fire) and facilitates digestion. This is because of its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) qualities.


In Ayurveda, diarrhoea is referred to as Atisar. It is caused by poor diet, contaminated water, pollutants, mental tension, and Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). All of these variables contribute to the aggravation of Vata. This heightened Vata takes fluid into the gut from numerous body tissues and mixes it with the excrement. This causes loose, watery bowel movements or diarrhoea. Nagarmotha aids in the control of diarrhoea. This is owing to its Deepan (appetiser) Pachan (digestive) qualities, which increase digestive fire. It also thickens the stool and decreases the frequency of movements.


Obesity or undesired fat accumulation is caused by an excess of Ama in the body, according to Ayurveda. Nagarmotha reduces Ama via increasing digestion, food absorption, and lowering extra fat in the body.


Nagarmotha is beneficial in the treatment of worm infections. This is attributed to its anti-worm characteristic, Krimighna.


Nagarmotha may aid in the reduction of fever and accompanying symptoms. There are many types of fever, according to Ayurveda, depending on the dosha involved. Fever usually suggests an excess of Ama due to a lack of digestive fire. Because of its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics, drinking cooked Nagarmotha water helps to lessen Ama.

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