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Vang Bhasam Powder - Vang Bhasma

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Vanga bhasma is used in the treatment of genitourinary disorder, diabetes, anemia, asthma gastric ulcers and urinary diseases.

Rs. 966

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Vanga Bhasma is a traditional ayurvedic medicine which is an organometallic preparation, treated with plant extract after several rounds of processing. Vanga Bhasma due to its various health-benefiting properties helps treat gastrointestinal and urinary problems. It may also help manage anemia and gastric ulcers.

According to Ayurveda, Vanga Bhasma has Pitta balancing effect which may help in controlling the burning sensation while urinating. It may also help in increasing the urine flow, thereby helping in managing urinary tract infections (UTIs). Some practitioners also suggest its beneficial results in managing fatigue caused by a complication of diabetes. Its Balya (strength provider) property helps with fatigue. This property also aids in managing conditions like anemia. In addition to that, Vanga Bhasma improves the body’s immunity to fight infection due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) nature. Vanga Bhasma is available in powder form. Vanga Bhasma is also effective management of male sexual dysfunction because it helps to restore the energy level and improve sexual stamina due to its Vrishya (aphrodisiac) and Balya (strength provider) properties.

Vanga Bhasma is generally given in combination with other ayurvedic medicine in the form of a mixture. The mixture is usually advised to be taken with Ghee or Honey to rid of problems like anemia. Avoid self-medication or taking Vanga Bhasma in excess.

Vanga Bhasma is generally well tolerated and does not have any side effects when taken in the recommended dose. However, it is advisable to consult the doctor before using Vanga Bhasma.




1. Urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a type of infection which may affect any part of your urinary system — kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Vanga Bhasma is one of the most useful Ayurvedic medicines suggested for urinary disorders. Urinary tract infection is described under the broad term of Mutrakcchra in Ayurveda. Mutra means ooze and krichra means pain. Thus, dysuria and painful urination are called Mutrakcchra. In urinary tract infection, Vanga Bhasma increases urine flow and subsides the symptoms of UTI, like burning sensation during urination. This is due to its Pitta balancing property.

2. Indigestion
Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia and stomach upset, is a state of an incomplete process of digestion. It can be characterized by a sensation of pain or discomfort in the upper abdominal region. One may also experience a feeling of fullness and bloating. According to Ayurveda, indigestion is termed as Agnimandya. This occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha. Whenever the consumed food is left undigested due to Mand Agni (low digestive fire), it results in the formation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). Vanga Bhasma helps to manage indigestion by digesting the Ama due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties.

3. Anemia

Anemia is a condition which happens when the number of healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin in your blood gets too low. In this, the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood gets reduced. Anemia is known as Pandu in Ayurveda, it is a condition that occurs due to an imbalanced Pitta dosha leading to weakness and fatigue. Vanga Bhasma has Balya (strength provider) property which helps in reducing the symptoms of anemia.

4. Diabetes-induced fatigue

Most diabetic people feel general weakness or fatigue in spite of maintaining a normal blood sugar level. Vanga Bhasma is useful in reducing the symptoms of fatigue and managing a normal blood sugar level when used as supportive medicine along with the existing treatment. This is because of its Balya (strength provider) property. It also improves immunity to fight secondary infection due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) nature.

5. Male Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual Dysfunction in men can be in the form of loss of libido (i.e., having no or very little inclination towards a sexual act). Some may also experience low erection time or the semen may expel soon after sexual activity. This is also referred to as ‘early discharge or premature ejaculation. Vanga Bhasma helps to correct male sexual dysfunction and also improves stamina. This is due to its Vrishya (aphrodisiac) and Balya (strength provider) properties.

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