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Bharangi Chhal Powder - Baranghi Chaal Powder - Bhadangi Bark Powder - Clerodendrun Serratum

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Bharangi is a one of the common herbs used in the treatment of common cold, chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, cough and other chronic respiratory problems. It is also an excellent dry cough home remedy.

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Bharangi is the oldest herb used in the Ayurvedic system, and it is well known for maintaining a healthy respiratory system and providing a pleasant rhythm to the voice.
Glory bower, bag flower, and bleeding heart are some of its common names.
Bharangi Plant Leaves are used to stimulate hunger and have expectorant properties.
Bharangi flowers are similar to lotus flowers.
Bharangi was discovered thousands of years ago by rishi "Bhrigu."

Bharangi Plant Description

The Bharangi Plant is a woody perennial plant with bluntly quadrangular stems.
Bharangi leaves are often three at a node, 3-8 inches long, oval in form, and thorny.
Bharangi thorns have a pulpy and greasy texture.
Bharangi Flowers are mildly aromatic and pale blue pinkish in colour.
Bharangi fruits grow in clusters of 16 and turn purple black when ripe.
Bharangi flowers bloom throughout the summer and bear fruit at the end of the rainy season.

The botanical name for Bharangi is Clerodendrum Serratum, and it is a woody medicinal shrub used in the Ayurvedic system for its numerous medicinal characteristics.
It is also known as "Kasaghni" and is best utilised to treat respiratory problems.
The decoction made from the leaves contains bronchodilator properties.
It is a non-toxic shrub with edible blooms and leaves.
This plant's roots are bitter, dry, anti-inflammatory, digestive, carminative, stimulant, expectorant, and anti-spasmodic.
This plant contains hispidulin, 7-0 glucurodines, scutellarein, uncinatone, and other compounds.
Saponins, D-mannitoL oleanic acid, steroidal glycosides, ferulic acid, arabinose, and urosolic acid are all found in its roots.
Luteoline, polyphonolics, carbohydrates, phenolics, terpenes, and steroids are abundant in the leaves.


Bharangi is a medicinal shrub that grows in tropical and warm climates around the world.
This plant has between 150 and 450 species and is found all over the world.
It is found primarily in warm temperate regions and is endemic to South Africa, Southern Asia, and Malaysia, as well as diverse locations of tropical America, Northern Australia, India, and Sri Lanka.
Bharangi plant is widely available in India, particularly in Himalayan regions, Bhopal, Bengal, and Bihar.
Red loam soils are ideal for growing this herb.

Bharangi's Practical Applications

  • Kasaghni is the usual name for this herb, which is used to treat common colds, coughs, TB, rhinitis, Asthma (shwasa raga), chronic respiratory problems, and their associated symptoms.
  • Leaf decoction is a bronchodilator and mucoLytic in nature, and it is utilised to break down phlegm and excess mucus and ease it out of the body.
  • In lymphadenopathy, bharangi leaf paste is administered.
  • The root of this herb is used to cure jaundice and other liver problems.
  • It helps to balance vata dosha and is beneficial in rheumatic disorders, gout, and joint discomfort.
  • Bharangi contains antimicrobial qualities and is used to treat worm infestations.
  • It is used as an appetiser and to activate the digestive fire.
  • Applying Bharangi root paste to the forehead helps headaches.
  • This herb's decoction is used to treat cysts, raktagulam, and uterine fibroids.
  • A paste made from the leaves is applied to wounds and ulcers to extract excess pus and soothe burning sensations.
  • It also aids in the rapid healing of abscesses.
  • It is also used to treat stomach tumours.
  • This plant contains anti-inflammatory qualities that help to reduce inflammation.
  • It calms the vata and kapha roga.

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