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Jivanti Roots Powder - Leptadenia Reticulata

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(Apocynaceae), is a traditional medicinal plant species widely used to treat various ailments such as tuberculosis, hematopoiesis, emaciation, cough, dyspnea, fever, burning sensation, night blindness, cancer, and dysentery.

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Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulata is an Ayurvedic herb used for the treatment of fever, urinary infection, improving the eye vision and for nourishing the body tissues. Dudhi Bel Roots is a climber growing throughout India. The leaf is cardiac shaped having small hairs on the under surface.

Jivanti Roots is a traditional medicinal plant root species widely used to treat various ailments such as tuberculosis, hematopoiesis, emaciation, cough, dyspnea, fever, burning sensation, night blindness, cancer, and dysentery. In Ayurveda, it is known for its revitalizing, rejuvenating, and lactogenic properties. This Jivanti Roots plant is one of the major ingredients in many commercial herbal formulations, including Spemann, Envirocare, Calshakti, Antisept, and Chyawanprash.

The therapeutic potential of this Jivanti Roots herb is because of the presence of diverse bioactive compounds. However, most biological studies on L. reticulata are restricted to crude extracts, and many biologically active compounds are yet to be identified in order to base the traditional uses of L. reticulata on evidence-based data. At present, L. reticulata is a threatened endangered plant because of overexploitation, unscientific harvesting, and habitat loss. The increased demand from pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and veterinary industries has prompted its large-scale propagation.

Jivanti Roots is an important plant of Asclepiadaceous family, commonly known as Jivanti in Sanskrit and Dodi in Hindi and Gujarati, is a climber distributed in tropical and sub-tropical parts of Asia and usually grown as hedges in Gujarat. The botanical source of Jivanti is in the state of controversy and Charak mentioned it as a classical whole some vegetable to be consumed for maintaining the good health. It is also used as Jivaniya, Snehopaga, Svasahara, Vayahasthapaniya, Rasayana, and Chakshushya in Ayurveda.

Jivanti Roots Benefits

Leptadenia reticulata is also known as Jivanti (or Jiwanti) because of its nourishing property for every part of the body. Dudhi Bel Roots specially corrects the metabolism, digestive system and enhance the health status of the body. Leptadenia reticulata is considered to be a tonic (Rasayana) drug and is used to strengthen, nourish and rejuvenate the body. Jivanti Roots can be used in treating various body aliments like bleeding disorders, burning sensitivity of the body, pyrexia, cough, dehydration, weak vision and colitis. Its lactogenic effect has been reported in various domestic animals. Extracts of roots and leaves of the plant act as antibacterial, antifungal agent and anti abortificient activity.


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