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Rudravanti Powder - Cressa Cretica - Littoral Bind Weed

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Rudravanti Powder (Cressa cretica) emerged as a good source of traditional medicine for the treatment of antimicrobial, bronchodilatory, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitussive, antifungal, antibacterial activity.

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Rudanti is a medicinal shrub with the scientific name Cressa cretica that grows primarily in saline or sandy soil. Rudanti is a useful plant for the treatment of dyspepsia, flatulence, asthma, and bronchitis due to its obvious analgesic, expectorant, and tonic properties. It is a rejuvenating herb with exceptional medicinal properties, also known as Rudravanti. 

Rudanti is thought to have anti-tubercular properties in the world of Ayurvedic medicine, and the plant is widely accepted as an essential anti-tubercular herb among various Ayurvedic physicians. When combined with other drugs, the herb has shown promising results in the treatment of tuberculosis. 

Rudanti has also been found to be effective in treating fevers and common colds that are accompanied by respiratory infections. It acts as a mucolytic, preventing microbial growth and reducing inflammation. With these qualities in mind, the herb can be used when the patient has excessive mucus secretion, chest congestion, wheezing, and relief after removing sputum from the respiratory tract or lungs. 

Rudravanti's Therapeutic Properties:

·        Mucolytic

·        Antifungal

·        Anticancer

·        Anti-inflammatory

·        Antibacterial

·        Antifungal

·        Anti-tubercular

·        Hematinic

·        Anti-haemorrhagic

·        Aphrodisiac

·        Stomachic

Rudanti also has therapeutic properties that make it useful for conditions such as asthma and bronchitis, bloating, constipation, anemia, abdominal distension, skin diseases, flatulence, diabetes, and loss of appetite. It is thought to relieve nasal congestion, fever, and sneezing caused by the common cold. It can also help with headaches and body aches. 

Other Names: Rudravanti Phal , Rudanti Fal , Cressa cretica

The herb's anti-inflammatory properties aid in the reduction of inflammation in the linings of the inner bronchial tubes and significantly reduces asthmatic breathing problems. In cases of excessive mucus secretion, the herb should be taken with warm water or honey; however, if mucus secretion is normal, it should be taken with hot milk. 

The herb is effective in treating tuberculostatic activity and is thought to have powerful anti-bacterial properties. It inhibits the growth of the bacteria Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, acting as both a bacterial agent and a bacteriostatic agent. 

Rudanti's anti-hemorrhagic property aids in the reduction of postpartum haemorrhage as well as the prevention of nasal bleeding. It works best when combined with Adhatoda Vasica leaf juice. 

The herb has been recognized by Ayurvedic physicians as an alternative and rejuvenating herb with strengthening properties that has no reported side effects and is considered safe for consumption in the appropriate dosage. 


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